Lilies Vol. 4: Spider Lily
Lilies is an anthology of optimistic lesbian romance comics compiled by LBTQ editors. The 4th volume, Spider Lily, has a "spooky" theme. You can download the PDF for $2 or a larger donation. Donations made here will go to supporting the editors, artists, and future Lilies anthologies endeavors.
This PDF features 258 pages in 129 spreads. Please note that some pages contain sexual content.
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Lilies Vol. 4: Spider Lily features over 250 pages of art and comics by 34 authors: Alyssa Surmillon, AppleAtti, Basalisk, BB, Boogeymadam, CB Hart, coolestegg, Corrie Pruitt, Elana Stein, Elin Holst, FallingMist, Gina Hardee, Julia, Julia Hutchinson, Katie Cunningham, kiera, Kimberly Wang, Likrot, Marjorie Gaber, Melissa Capriglione, Melissa McGee, michi, Mythee, Pi, Puré, Rachel Ordway, Ramona Sharples, Randi Hamel, Schnekk, Sparklenaut, Sreya, Tajliya Jamal, Teloka, & wennovane.
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